List Topics
The list topics endpoints support OData through query parameters to manipulate the data returned. The following operations are supported.
To support OData, query parameters must not be URL encoded. For example, use $filter instead of %24filter.
Search based on the value of a property by providing the $filter query parameter. The following properties are supported.
- assigned_to
- bimsync_assigned_to
- bimsync_creation_author
- bimsync_issue_number
- bimsync_points
- bimsync_requester
- bimsync_status_type: Valid values are all, open, closed and candidate
- creation_author
- creation_date
- due_date
- labels
- modified_author
- modified_date
- stage
- topic_status
- topic_type
Filter by creation author
Filter by status
Filter by creation date
Filter by multiple properties
Search for a specific value in the title or description of a topic by providing the $search query parameter.
Search for the term "wall" in the title or description of a topic
Sort the results by providing the $orderby query parameter. The default sort is by bimsync_issue_number in descending order. The following properties are supported.
- bimsync_issue_number
- creation_date
- due_date
- modified_date
Sort by creation date ascending
Sort by creation date descending
Specify which fields are included in the response by providing the $select query parameter. The following fields are always returned:
- guid
- server_assigned_id
- bimsync_issue_number
The following properties are supported.
- *: All default fields, useful when wanting to include additional fields to the default set
- assigned_to: Includes assigned_to and bimsync_assigned_to
- bimsync_comments_size
- bimsync_custom_fields
- bimsync_document_references
- bimsync_points
- bimsync_requester
- bimsync_viewpoints
- creation_author: Includes creation_author and bimsync_creation_author
- creation_date: Includes creation_date and bimsync_imported_at
- description
- due_date
- labels
- modified_author
- modified_date
- stage
- title
- topic_priority
- topic_status
- topic_type
Select title and description
Select all default fields and the field
Combine the $skip and $top query parameters to paginate the results. The default limit is 100 topics per request.
Retrieve the first 10 topics
Skip the first 10 topics and return the next 10